November 8, 2013

Precious Gifts

Like most parents... we tell ourselves to remember all the precious moments in our children's lives; document them, take pictures, video, write it all down.  Realistically, life with kids can be super busy and exhausting.  It was easy to snap away at the infant days but now with a three year old the thought of carrying around a camera is just one more thing to haul and writing down the sweet moments at the end of the day is only given to passing out in my jeans on the bed after finally getting my little one to sleep.

Lately, though, the "sweet' barometer has been really high.  My giggling girl has been nonstop.  The other night at dinner she pointed at me authoritatively and exclaimed, "Mama! You are IN MY HEART!"  I melted.

Today driving to school she said, "Jesus loves all the little kids and Mama, Jesus loves you and me too!"  I was grateful.

Last night lying in bed waiting for her to drift off to sleep she rolled over and held my cheeks between her two tiny hands, looked me squarely in the eye and said, "Sweet dreams Mama.  I love you." I wished for those moments to last forever.  Precious gifts.  I want to remember.


  1. The butterfly balloon wings! I die!

  2. Love this. Jesus loves all the little children. :) So glad you are sharing these photos. I miss you both so much!
